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Honey Blonde

Jet Black

10 Wig Hacks to Keep Your Wig Secure & Looking New!

Mikey Moran

I started experimenting with wigs sometime between 2011 Blac Chyna and 2014 Kylie Jenner, no pun intended.

These two changed wigs like they changed outfits.

They made each unit look like it was growing from their scalp.

However, when I received my first human hair wig, I realized that I did not have a "Tokyo Styles" or any celebrity wig stylist to style my hair.

Shop Human Hair Wigs

I had to figure out how to rock a wig without it looking “wiggy,” sliding back or lopsided on my own.

I am bringing you these wig hacks listed below after years of trial and error, and I hope you can use a few to help you feel secure in the wig you’re in!😋

Private Label Showroom Black Wigs Different Styles

Hacking Like a Pro

#1 Bobby Pins for Security

If your wig does not come with clips inside of it, be sure to have some bobby pins in the vicinity to add to the wig to secure it!

Wig clips are a better option but when you don't have that option, you can use bobby pins!

There have been a few times where I have encountered a unit with no type of clip or comb to secure my wig.

To be honest, before I realized that I could use bobby pins I would get so nervous that the right gust of wind at the wrong time could blow my wig off of its rightful place, my head.

However, with bobby pins, you can pin the sides of your clipless unit down to your perimeter braid and rest assured that your wig is stable. Just take two to four bobby pins and pin both your braid and your wig cap together.

I typically do on above each ear and two at the nape of my neck for extra security; because the hair falls over the pins I do not worry too much about the pins showing and giving away my secret!

#2 Baby Powder the Oil Eliminator

If you tend to put a lot of product in your hair or constantly run your fingers through your hair this could result in an oily wig.

No problem!

Outside of washing the wig, you can also eliminate an oily unit with baby powder!

Shake a small amount of baby powder on to the roots and work it down through the wig with a wig brush, comb, or your fingers until you have dulled the shininess.

Don't worry, that lace front wig won't look dusty.

The powder will absorb the wig’s oil and leave your wig oil-free, keeping it secure!

Applying Edge Control Gel

#3 Edges

It is a blessing to have thick and tamable edges!

Quite frankly not all of us are that lucky to have them.

In fact, some may blame the friction of a wig rubbing against their hairline for the loss of their edges.

If you are protecting your edges under a wig, be sure to coat your edges with oil so that the friction does not rub them out.

Adding just a little can help the unit look more realistic when it is installed on your head.

Quick Tip: Protect your edges with the best edge control.

No one has a hairline that goes from forehead to scalp; the baby hairs add just enough hair to help with the transition from forehead to hairline then scalp.

If the process of creating baby hair on your unit is a little too complicated for you, try to purchase a wig with pre-cut baby hair on the unit!

Wigs with this type of styling option provide realistic baby hair that you can gel down and emulate your favorite look!

Private Label Showroom Blonde Straight Wig Back Shot

#4 When Washing & Drying the Wig

A good rule of thumb to use when washing a wig is to grab it at the root of the hair.

While creating a fist, pull the soap and water to the tips of the unit, begin washing downward. Do not scrunch the wig when cleaning it because that can tangle the hair strands and leave knots in the unit.

For all of the ladies that may partake in wigs of the synthetic or human hair mix nature, Dawn soap or laundry detergent is a shampoo alternative to consider using when washing your wig!

Plastics and animal hair (wool) make up synthetic hair, and the cleanser works as a perfect cleaning and strengthening agent for the artificial fibers.

Truthfully, it works well with human hair wigs too, but harsh soaps can dry the human hair out so to air on the side of caution we are putting in this disclaimer.

You can also refresh your wig by placing it in a bath of heavily diluted fabric softener.

Yes, Fabric softener.

When drying the wig, you can hang it up on a hanger if you don’t have a wig head and let it air dry overnight. In the morning the wig should be dry enough for you to blow dry on low heat.

After this, you can style your wig as desired.

That closure wig will have never smelled so good!

Brazilian Silky Straight Full Lace Wig Hairline

#5 Win with Your Wig Cap!

I have two tips for those of you with wig cap trouble. Not all nudes were created equal, find your nude.

You should find a staple wig cap that you go to protect your hair. This cap should match the color of your scalp, and it should not be darker than your skin tone. If you cannot find your exact nude that is okay, go lighter!

Find a wig cap that is lighter than your scalp and darken it with concealer. Some say it is easier to darken a cap than it is to make a dark brown cap lighter.

For those of you who may have ordered a full lace wig with a lace color that does not match your skin tone, you can turn the wig inside out and brush a concealer that matches your skin tone throughout the wig.

This hack will reduce the time that you have to spend plucking and then fill your part with concealer when you apply the unit.

I mean, honestly, who has time to do that every morning?

#6 Save a Style!

Sleep with your wig on and a tight scarf to keep hairs in place overnight.

And don't forget to wear a silk bonnet for extra protection!

If your braids are chunky, you should also use this hack to flatten the bump that tends to form on the back of the head.

Brazilian Body Wave Full Lace Wig Cap

#7 Start from the Bottom!

When combing the wig do not rake from the roots down!

Take a comb and starting from the bottom, (Hey Drake!), work your comb from the bottom up.

This way of combing will reduce hair loss in the unit.

#8 Wig Grips

Some of us cannot use Got2B Glue or Gorilla Snot. If you're one of those people, you can turn to a wig grip.

Different adhesives can cause reactions and agitate sensitive skin to the point of irritation. To prevent your wig from sliding back try a wig grip!

You can find these adjustable velvet-like bands on Amazon or eBay. Place the wig grips around your head like a flat headband. This will make it easier to secure your wig tightly.

The wig band is a thin strap of fiber that can save your edges while keeping your wig in place. It also helps to lay and secure the lace of the wig if you are experiencing any rolls or bunching of your lace.

The wig band is important because it will help your wig stay secure. A wig band will work alongside combs if necessary.

Word of advice: Purchase a light brown band so that the coloring blends in with the lace.

Private Label Showroom Purple And Brown Wigs

#9 Hide the Holes

Have you ever walked up to someone and realized that they did not conceal the grid pattern on their frontal or closure?

A suitable way to hide the grid pattern without bleaching the knots would be to camouflage the lace with lace tint!

Take a bandage from the silicone scar sheet and cut a small, thin, and long piece, to stick on to the portion of the lace that you are using as your part, sticky side up.

If your scalp is a little darker than the bandage, you can still use this method. Make sure to apply the concealer to the top of your part as well.

#10 Fill in Your Bald Spots

If you are trying to customize your bob wig and you over pluck the part, use waterproof mascara or eyeliner to fill in the bald spots.

We have all been there. You may have gotten a little too ambitious when plucking your frontal and pulled thirty-two hairs too many.

Not a big deal!

Your mascara brush is made for jobs like this and can fill in that hole in no time. Always remember to use a waterproof product. Your hands and any moisture in the air can rub or wash that color right out of the unit.

Private Label Showroom Wigs Collection

Slay All Day Using a Wig Hack

The wig game is a fierce one.

It seems like every day a new type of wig is coming out. Next thing you know the fad has changed and more styles are considered obsolete. Keeping up with these trends makes it harder to make sure that your wig looks on point and realistic.

Want to make wearing a wig easy?

Try a Glueless Wig from Private Label. They are the easiest solution for wearing a wig and keeping it on.💗

Maybe the new wig you have is missing clips or you finished the last of your concealer?

These hacks will help you to slay another day. Or at least until you make it to your nearest beauty supply store.

Comment below to let us know some tips or tricks you use when wearing a wig!

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Awesome tips! How should I usually secure my wig overnight to keep it in place?


These wig hacks are fantastic! I’ve struggled with wig security and maintenance, so I can’t wait to try the bobby pins and baby powder tips. Thanks for sharing such practical advice!


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