How to Save your Hair Length with Hair Dusting

How to Save Your Hair Length with Hair Dusting

Mikey Moran

Do you ever have that awkward stage between your hair growing and a good trim?

I am pretty sure we all have, but we never notice it until we see massive shedding trailing our bathroom sinks and favorite T-shirts.

If you have yet to do this, dusting your dead ends promotes hair health and, of course, growth. And it can applied for your human hair bundles too!

The best thing about hair dusting is that you do not have to be a professional beautician or hairstylist to do it! 👌🏿

But what you need is a fantastic pair of hair shears, combs, clips, and a little time and patience. So, what exactly is dusting?

Hair dusting is when you trim dead ends just above where they split so that when they fall on the floor, they mimic the appearance of dust.

Black Curly Hair Female Model Holding Hair Ends

Simple Concept, Right?

Now, the next question might be, why don't you get a regular hair trim?

The most straightforward answer to that is that many of us want to salvage our current length and sometimes may not need a trim at the moment.

This technique also gives those of us who are afraid of trimming some peace of mind because we are all too familiar with a trim turned into a hair chop.

Ultimately, hair dusting is a way to keep your current length and a method to preserve the health of your hair for a brief time.

Blonde Hair Ends

Research Is Key

I know, I know, another new hair trend, another day.

But this trend is something worth trying and researching when you are looking to give your hair its health back.

Like many trends, the best of them come with a bit of research, especially when your locks are your crowning glory.

When it comes to retaining that length, we all know that it did not come easy.

There were many trips to the salon, hours spent waiting to get your hair done, and finally, a finished product, but when it came to retaining length, the stylist and her shears were your best friend.

However, when it comes to length retainment, we know that many stylists can get a bit scissor-happy and do more than just a little "trim." Knowing this, many of us became turned off by the idea of hair cutting

Trimming your hair, while necessary, is not a service that is necessary at every salon visit, so in return, you should turn to the hair dusting method.

If you are not familiar with dusting, there are so many resources to tell you how to do it!

The most important part, however, is to do your research on why you should opt to dust over getting a trim.

Trimming can sometimes cut off hair that is healthy, while hair dusting offers a comfortable alternative to getting rid of a few split ends.

The best part? Anyone with any hair type can dust their hair type!

A Woman Using Wooden Comb

Technique, Technique, Technique

Dusting your hair is not rocket science, but it does require a bit of technique, and with technique comes practice and patience to get it just right.

Thankfully, there are two methods to hair dusting: whether you have curly hair or whether you are a girl that has bone-straight hair.

To dust your hair correctly, you will need to abide by the following steps:

Method 1: For Curly or Wavy Hair

Step #1

Brush out and thoroughly detangle your hair gently.

Step #2

Ensure that your hair is smooth to the touch and separate into multiple sections depending on the thickness of your hair.

Here, you may notice hair sticking up; don't worry because this is where dusting comes in!

Step #3

Take one of the sections and split it again, leaving you with two parts.

Step #4

Take your smaller section and twist it with just enough pressure to see the split ends stick up, but be comfortable enough so that your head does not hurt.

Step #5

Take your hair shears and carefully cut them right above the split ends that are sticking out from the twist.

Step #6

Repeat each step throughout the entire head, ensuring that you have clipped as many split ends as possible.

Private Label Showroom Straight Hair Bundles

Method 2: For Straight Hair

Similar to the first method, this will require the same steps with a few tailored modifications for straight hair.

See them below:

Step #1

Brush out and fully detangle your hair gently.

Step #2

Ensure that your hair is smooth to the touch and separate into multiple sections depending on the thickness of your hair.

Here, you may notice hair sticking up; don't worry because this is where dusting comes in!

Step #3

Pick up a section and carefully run the shears against the width of hair making sure that you cut just above the split pieces that are sticking out.

Step #4

Repeat each step, making sure that you catch every piece possible for a clean and smooth finish.

The most important step to remember when dusting your ends is not to get carried away. Keep in mind that you should only dust what you need to and leave what is healthy alone.

Unless you are looking for a big chop, try to put down the scissors as you begin this new process.

So many benefits come along with dusting your ends, such as healthier hair, of course, less shedding, and more manageable styling.

Metallic Scissors on Leather

Why Not Just Go and Get a Trim?

Going to get a trim is not always necessary and, honestly, can be super pricey.

Showing your hair some love without the price tag is a viable option when it comes to light hair dusting.

Trimming your hair in a professional space can also turn into an unwanted haircut. Have you seen those hair horror stories, or are you a victim of one?

If the answer is yes, then you might consider trying the hair dusting technique, too. No one wants to enter a salon expecting to receive a half of an inch cut off and leave with 3 inches gone because of a scissor-happy stylist.

No, not all stylists are like that, but there are a few who have done a little bit more than trim our hair on those long salon days.

However, even if you do not regularly get a trim and notice that your hair is a little on the dry or brittle side, try dusting your hand before hitting the salon.

Another reason many of us opt out of the salon experience is that it can be extremely pricey if you have not worked this into your budget. On average, a hair trim can cost around $25 at a starting rate.

That price tag may not seem expensive to all, but regularly, it can round you to about $50 every two months, depending on where you go.

Many of us are already calculating how we can use that $50 for so many other things, so why not use it on a pair of good shears with a little left over to spare?

Nonetheless, it does not have to be super expensive to take care of your hair; if anything, all you need is time.

However, if you have not had your hair trimmed in at least six months, you should start there and then proceed with dusting a few weeks after your last cut or trim.

Private Label Extensions Different Textures of Hair Bundles

Dusting Your Hair Extensions

Did you know that you can dust your hair extensions, too?

We spend so much money on purchasing the right extensions. It is only right to take care of them like we do our hair.

Lightly dusting your hair extensions after you have had them for a while not only extends the longevity of your purchases but keeps them looking brand new.

Correctly taking care of your extensions decreases the likelihood of needing to dust your ends, but of course, if you have had them for multiple installs, a few snips may be necessary here and there.

Dusting your extensions is the same process listed above, but I would recommend that you wash, condition, detangle, and air dry the hair before you begin to dust.

Prepping your extensions before dusting is essential because sweat, hair products, oily scalps, and manipulation can cause buildup and unwanted breakage to the hair.

To ensure that you are not cutting excess hair, cleansing it before you dust is best. Either air drying or blow drying your extensions is excellent, but to minimize the possibility of frailer ends, air drying is the better option for extensions.

After dusting, style your hair to your liking, and remember to use some form of a heat protectant to slow down the breaking process.

Private Label Showroom Body Wave Hair Bundles Close-up

Save Some Time and Some Inches

There are a few basic rules to hair dusting that are fundamental to keep in mind.

Rule #1: Never Dust on Wet or Damp Hair…Ever

If you want to get the most out of your hair dusting experience, be sure to start with dry hair because you always want to see the broken pieces that need your cut.

Dusting your hair when dry versus wet is beneficial because when dusting on wet or damp hair, you cannot see the hair sticking up.

This is because of the weight of the moisture on the hair strands that makes the hair lay down.

Rule #2: Use a Quality Pair of Hair Scissors

Precision is important when it comes down to dusting your hair.

A quality pair of shears is the only way to get it.

When shopping for shears, dodge the cheap stuff and splurge a little bit more, especially if you are going to be hair dusting on a regular in-between trims.

A quality pair of hair shears will take your hair dusting days from a dreaded task to a day well spent because you know that you are doing more good to your hair than usual by getting the job done the first time around.

Rule #3: If You Don't Trust Yourself to Dust the First Time Around, See a Stylist

Now, I know many people will opt for a trim when they visit a stylist, but if this is your first-time hair dusting, visit a stylist so that you do not butcher your hair.

Ask the stylist if you can face the mirror to see what you are getting done, and even have them explain their process as they go on.

There are many tips and tricks that you can pick up at the hair salon, and these same tips are some that you can take home for yourself.

Rule #4 YouTube Is a Great Source

If you cannot make it to a stylist or if you want to give the dusting method a go yourself, head over to YouTube.

Many trained professionals have channels catered to providing professional tips. Make sure that you find a tutorial that caters to your hair type because dusting varies from hair texture to hair texture.

All of these rules are not universal but are needed when you begin to start anything new to your hair.

Taking care of your hair by dusting is not only a necessity but is an art that stimulates hair growth to better your strands as they continue to grow over time.

Private Label Extensions Straight and Wavy Hair Bundles

Dusting Varies for Different Hair Types

Knowing your hair type is probably the most crucial factor when it comes to taking care of your hair because it varies across different spectrums.

For example, if you have thicker hair, you might not have to dust as often because of the fullness of your hair.

However, if you have thinner hair, you might find yourself picking up the shears more often because you see those hairs becoming more prominent as weeks pass.

Before you dust, asses your hair, its current state and determine if it is healthy enough to just dust.

The more time that has passed since your last trim, the less likely you need to dust. Make sure that the health of your hair is well off before you dust. After, begin the process depending on your hair type.

While some argue that hair dusting is a waste of time, I would have to say that this is not entirely true.

Hair dusting offers the satisfaction of knowing that you are not chopping off unnecessary hair while also assuring that the dust that falls to the floor is the split ends.

So the biggest question is, do you know your hair type and density? If yes, congratulations on skipping a step in the dusting process! If not, we can help you find out!

Deep Wave Hair Texture Closeup

What Is My Hair Type?

Some of us may be asking, what is a hair type?

Hair typing is when you look at your hair for porosity, density, and thickness. Hair types can range from a straight-haired 1A to a very thick 4C hair.

On the hair scale, the number that you identify with is the lowest or highest regarding curly or waviness, while the letter represents the all-around thickness and density.

This is important for dusting because the method in which you dust may need to be altered to fit your hair type.

If you are considered a 1A girl, then hair dusting by smoothing your hair down works fantastically for you.

Not only do you catch the hair that is sticking up, but you instantly see the change without it being so drastic.

To the girls who identify with a thickness that could be 4B or 4C, you want to use the twist method.

After you unravel your twist, you will see a difference as well. No matter what your hair type is, hair dusting works for every person. It is also an easy way to begin retaining the health again.

Metallic Scissors Hanging

What Are the Pros versus the Cons?

It is good and bad in everything, including our hair choices.

Many stylists complain that dusting does not always help our hair. Other stylists agree that it is a lifesaver for many clients.

A few pros to dusting are the following:

  • Dusting slows down unneeded trims.
  • Dusting is a quick alternative to a trim.
  • Relatively simple and easy for anyone to do, even if you are not a pro.
  • Keeps your hair healthy in between trims.
  • Keeps your trimming day from turning into a haircut.
  • It helps you maintain your current length.

With the pros, of course, come cons, which are entirely valid when doing something semi-drastic to your hair.

A few cons to dusting are:

  • You can miss a few stray hairs.
  • You may not get an even cut.
  • If you are not careful, you can accidentally cut some hair that is perfectly healthy.

Nonetheless, those pros and cons are open to your interpretation when you begin to dust your hair. This is your hair!

Do not be swayed by the advantages, and do not be afraid of the cons. Do what works for you and your hair, and you will be happy with the outcome.

If you are looking to retain length, ask yourself the following questions:

  • When was the last time I hated my hair trimmed or cut?
  • Is my hair shedding more than usual?
  • Are my ends brittle?
  • Is my hair splitting up the shaft?

If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, you need to cut or trim your dead ends.

Follow up with a deep conditioning treatment and revisit the dusting method at minimum three weeks after your trim.

Plastic Combs on Grass

Maintaining Your Newly Dusted Hair

Even with a new trim, a time frame for trims is more often of a service, according to many stylists.

But with dusting, that window is more significant than four weeks. For dusting, you should dust every 6-8 weeks to upkeep your strands properly.

If you want to continue to prevent breakage, keep a calendar of when to dust your hair.

This part is crucial because you want to get into the routine of having a healthy hair regimen that gets your hair to an ordinarily healthy state until you are ready to trim your hair.

Maintaining your newly-dusted hair also has other benefits, such as preserving that length! We work so hard to grow our hair out. If you are guilty of your best friend is the blow dryer and flat iron, then dusting is definitely for you.

By default, excessive heat and styling can cause split ends and breakage. For those that use heat and chemicals, try to dust more often to prevent severely split ends.

Close-Up Hair Ends

To Dust or Not to Dust

This is your hair, so make these rules your own!

There is no wrong way to do your hair unless you end up completely unhappy with it. When it comes to dusting, it is important to remember to take your time.

Taking your time when dusting your hair is super important.

You want to minimize your chances of missing some hair that may be holding back your hair growth.

So many times, we wonder why our hair won't grow. The answer is often because of those split ends and stray hairs.

Black Straight Hair Female Model Examining Hair Ends

Don't Be a Victim of a Hair Horror Story!

Make sure that when you are dusting your hair, you use two mirrors.

I mean honestly, it is satisfying to see damaged hair fall to the ground. You know that your hair is well on its way to being healthy.

Creating the health of your hair is the most important thing when it comes to trying something new.

Many wonder if this is a fad or something that is here to stay. The truth is that hair dusting is not a new invention. ✨

Like most things, hair dusting is something that has transcended through time but with a new name!

So don't be afraid if you've never heard the term. Be the one who embraces it, gives it a chance, and says yes to dusting.

Also learn about the Hair Shadowing Technique if you want to dye your hair!

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