Everything You Need to Know about Hormonal Hair Loss

Mikey Moran

Hormones are a part of our everyday life. And when hormonal hair loss comes, the medical wigs arrive.

Hormones are the tools we need to deliver messages to different parts of the body.

Hormones regulate different prices in the body, such as heart rate, metabolism, and cell growth.

Hormonal balances are essential. When I was younger, I never really understood what my doctor meant when they mentioned a hormonal imbalance.

As I got older, I realized the importance of having balanced hormones. When our hormones are imbalanced, we can suffer from many different ailments.

Balanced hormones are mostly how we remain healthy. When they become imbalanced, our bodies can be triggered into hair loss. 😔

The medical hormonal imbalance is called telogen effluvium. It primarily decreases the hair growth hormones that we need to have to maintain our healthy tresses.

Some of the natural hormones needed to promote hair growth and health are estrogen and pro-estrogen.

The hormones that shed hair are androgen and testosterone. I’ve met some people who have had issues with hormonal imbalances and hair.

After speaking with a few people and doctors, I found out that there are multiple reasons for the irregularities.

Let’s get into the top three reasons for hormonal hair loss and how to recover with a medical wig.

Hormones Pills and a Woman Smiling

Look at These Three Reasons for Hormonal Hair Loss

There are so many different reasons that a hormonal imbalance can begin, but not all reasons are the most common.

After doing some research, we found that the most common reasons for this type of hair loss are thyroid issues, postpartum hair loss, and estrogen overload.

As we discuss these different topics, it should be known that not everyone goes through hair loss while enduring the specified problems.

For example, although it is common, not everyone goes through hair loss after pregnancy also called postpartum hair loss.

Each situation depends on each person’s experience. Don’t be worried if you did not experience hair loss at all throughout any of the three events mentioned.

The best thing to do is consult with a professional. Before you start worrying about yourself to the point of exhaustion, visit your doctor.

Your doctor will be able to pinpoint the exact kind of hormonal imbalance that you’re experiencing.

When they do target the issue, they will be able to give you something to regulate them.

Consulting with a physician is one of the best things you can do for yourself when dealing with hair loss.

You never want to diagnose and treat yourself!

Now, let’s get into these three common reasons for hormonal imbalances and hair loss.

Kinky Straight Silicone Skin Medical Wig 1

Post-Pregnancy Blues

A lot of changes occur after pregnancy.

During pregnancy, a person’s estrogen levels will be at their peak. During different stages of the pregnancy, fewer hair follicles will enter the telogen stage, known as the shedding stage, and cause hair to look thicker than usual.

Many people love this about pregnancy because it gives off the impression that their hair is growing to be thicker and fuller.

Technically, it’s just not shedding as much! Right after pregnancy, the estrogen levels drop dramatically.

They fall so sharply that some new mothers can suffer from postpartum depression.

After the estrogen level drops, all of the excess hair that stayed during the pregnancy falls out. Typically, all this means is that a new mother will go back to her regular hair amount.

A lot of new mothers become upset at this, but it’s important to understand that significant hormonal changes are occurring RIGHT after pregnancy.

If you notice more hair falling out than usual, you should consult with a physician.

If you don’t see any significant difference, be kind to yourself and the new mothers. It’s a part of the process! Get a Kinky Straight Silicone Skin Wig to fight throughout it!

Kinky Straight Silicone Skin Medical Wig 2

Estrogen Overload

Estrogen is a potent hormone that can be devastating to those with an imbalance.

It contributes to a healthy sex drive, serves as a mood stabilizer, and increases energy!

Too much estrogen, however, can cause mood swings, weight gain, blood clotting, and thinning hair.

A great example would be birth control. Birth control is a medication that is meant to prevent pregnancy.

In some cases, it does this by mimicking the effects of pregnancy on the body. There are plenty of side effects to birth control, one of them being hair loss. This is due to the fluctuating levels of estrogen.

It’s essential to pay close attention to the side effects that you experience while taking birth control, mainly since it contains estrogen.

Sometimes, our bodies may have an estrogen overload with no real cause.

Don’t be alarmed if this does happen. Make sure that you visit your physician before making any assumptions.

Also, make sure you let them know that you believe your hair loss is related to high estrogen levels.

By giving them this info, they may be able to let you know what the underlying cause is.

Straight Skin Polyurethane Medical Wig 1

Thyroid Issues

The thyroid is a gland that resides in the front of the neck. It’s shaped like a butterfly and is a part of the endocrine system.

It produces hormones that regulate energy and regeneration. Hair follicles rely on the thyroid to regulate their cycles.

When the thyroid is imbalanced, it can severely disrupt the hair cycle. An imbalance will disturb the growth cycles, which means that as your hair gets to the end of the cycle, it’s falling out without a replenishment option.

Over time, this causes hair to look thinner than average. Some autoimmune disorders associated with thyroid conditions can lead to further hair loss.

Conditions such as PCOS and alopecia could potentially make the situation worse.

Luckily, hair loss due to a thyroid problem is reversible with treatment. Your doctor should be able to help you out and accommodate you with a medical wig.

Straight Skin Polyurethane Medical Wig 2

Are Medical Wigs Good for Hair Loss

If you have alopecia, genetic, hormonal, environmental, or stress-induced hair loss.

Then you should get a medical wig. Not only does it help you restore your hair and the health of your scalp, but it brings you back to the hair game.

Style a killer look with a Curly Fine Mono Base Medical Wig now!

Hormones and Flowers

Managing Through Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes are a nightmare, but with the right help, we can manage through them.

If you think you’re dealing with some changes that are affecting the nature of your hair, then you should consult with a doctor immediately.

While you’re going through these hair changes, try wearing a medical wig like the Curly Silicone Skin Wig. Harmless extensions can help keep your confidence intact while you figure out your game plan with your doctor.

Also, don’t worry too much about your hair. Many people love their hair so much and forget to realize that it has the potential to grow back.

This is especially true for those that can remedy their situation. 😷

Hair doesn’t define your beauty!

The hair extension business is booming and offers quick alternatives to awkward hair transitions. Don’t be afraid to try something different while you make it through!

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