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Atlanta, Georgia 30316
Best Tips on How to Protect Your Edges & Keep Them Healthy!
Mikey Moran''I'm about to lay these edges down real quick."
Many women say this! But if you don't take care of those precious lace edges, there won't be anything to lay down!
So many of us want to keep our hair done at all times while forgetting how important it is to still take care of your hair in between styles. đ
From conditioning your hair to keeping your ends clipped and even protecting your edges, it's all a crucial part of having healthy hair.
Some people don't realize it, but the ends of your hair and your edges are the most sensitive!
So follow below as I discuss several ways you can keep laying those edges down!

Inversion Method
This is an ancient remedy for natural hair growth that's pretty simple.
It's a process in which you apply natural oils to your scalp, massage it in, and then flip your head upside down for four to five minutes.
The blood flow going to your head aids in promoting hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles.
This could be essential if you're trying to grow your edges back from being damaged.

Natural Oils
In addition to the inversion method, the natural oils that are used are crucial.
First, making sure they are 100% natural is key. A lot may say 'essential oil', but beware; this is not the kind you want.
A lot of the fake oils will have that title and a very inexpensive price tag on them.
Look for 'pure essential oils' or any that come in a black glass jar. Some of the best oils to purchase for the massage portion are rosemary, jojoba, castor, and cedarwood oil.
All of these oils help stimulate hair follicles. Even if you're not up for putting your head upside down, spend about 10 minutes massaging this oil all over your head.
Focus more so on problem areas, such as your edges. Do this a few times a week, and I guarantee you will begin to see a difference.
P.S.- Take before and after pictures so you can track your journey and have something to be proud of.
On a Side Note:Â You can now buy Bundles with 13x4 Frontal and Bundles with 13x6 Frontal, so you can rock your edges easily with HD or transparent lace hairline.

Silk Scarfs
What takes place throughout the night is just as important as what you do to prepare for bed.
What are you wrapping your hair with, or are you even wrapping at all? If you're doing all you can to take better care of your hair, when you go to bed, you want to continue that process.
Wearing a silk scarf is the best thing you can do. Most of us were taught that cotton is our best friend, and while it probably is, that's not the case when it comes to your hair.
Cotton will soak all that oil and moisture right out of your hair.
Leaving it dry and brittle. A silk scarf won't do that. It will lock in shine and moisture. Most women wear cotton scarves, and when they tie the knot, it's in the front.
This is putting more pressure on your edges, and it's taking the moisture out.
Protecting your edges at night means wearing a silk scarf that is secure from the back.
Also, if you don't want anything on your hair, you can invest in a silk pillowcase! It works the same way as the scarf.
Silk scarfs are essential for kinky wigs or curly wigs.

Leave Your Edges Alone
Yes, sometimes, leave your edges alone!
Just don't touch them at all. Taking the stress off of your edges is very important.
Some don't realize all the stress we're adding to our edges when we're getting our hair done every other week.
If you're someone who enjoys wearing extensions, try taking a break from them for a few weeks.
Or if you wear your natural hair, try doing low-maintenance hairstyles like low ponytails or just letting your hair flow in the wind.
Sometimes, your hair just needs a break.
Also, leaving your edges alone also means, when getting braiding hair or a weave, leave your edges out!
That's right, tell the stylist not to touch them.
Once your hair is done, utilize edge control or some oil-based edge style. It's not necessary for them to be in all styles.

Speak Up!
"When you see something, say something," but in this case, when you see your edges aren't in sight, speak up!
Remember, you're the one who has to pay the hair stylist to make sure you're paying for great quality.
If the stylist has your eyes pulled all the way back after getting it done, then you're in trouble.
Some stylists are careful with your hair, and others aren't, which is why it starts with you first!
Don't be scared to speak up and tell them you don't want your edges touched.
Don't be afraid to tell them there's too much tension on your edges. Shoot, don't be afraid to tell them you don't like the style!
It's important to make sure you take the time to invest in a good hairstylist. Do your research on their background and talk to their current customers.
You want someone who will help educate you and take care of your hair the right way. Otherwise, your edges will be broken off, and your hair will be damaged.
Whatever you do, just always speak up.
Your edges are so tender and delicate that you want to make sure you're doing everything in your power to protect them.

Quick Tip
If you put relaxers in your hair, apply the relaxer to your edges last.
Remember that your edges are really sensitive, so apply the relaxer right before rinsing the formula out.
After reading this article, you should have more ways to protect and grow your edges. Too many of us are giving up on the care of our hair.
Some feel like once their edges are damaged, there's no returning from it, but there is! It all starts with what you want to do about it.
Will it happen overnight? đ´
No. But remain consistent and patient throughout the process. You'll thank yourself one day.
Let us know some of your tips for protecting your edges. We'd love to hear from you below!