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Atlanta, Georgia 30316
5 Reasons Your Itchy Scalp May Be Itching and How You Can Fix It
Mikey MoranDoes your scalp seem to itch nonstop at times?
Youâre not alone.
Most people deal with having an itchy scalp at some point in their lives, including me! It is very common and easy to treat in most cases. â
While it may be a widespread issue, that doesnât take away from the fact that itâs a nuisance to deal with daily.
You scratch and scratch, but it doesnât seem to go away. How annoying is that?!
Sometimes sew-in extensions can cause this with a tight style, but we can solve this.

Whatâs the âRootâ of Your Itchy Scalp?
So, what causes this uncomfortable sensation that keeps us scratching and continuously in distress throughout the day?
Several factors may play a role in having an itchy scalp, so letâs dive into those potential causes.
I know itâs a pain when you notice that you have white flakes all over your dark clothes!
Those white flakes are a result of dead skin cells that tend to fall off your scalp, otherwise known as dandruff.
Anything from stress to changes in the weather can cause or worsen the presence of dandruff in your hair.
You may even experience a more severe form of dandruff called seborrheic dermatitis, which occurs when your body overreacts to Malassezia, a yeast that lives on your skin.
Seborrheic dermatitis can also lead to red, scaly patches of skin. Doesnât sound too fun, does it?
Dry Scalp
Another common cause of itchy scalp is hair dryness, which can remove nutrients and oils from your hair.
Harsh chemicals, lack of moisture, and weather changes can dry out your scalp and strip it of everything that it needs for nourishment.
You can even dry out your scalp by washing it excessively or by experiencing other skin health issues that end up with treatments like protein treatment.
Whether you are dealing with dehydration or changes in your overall health, a dry scalp will always lead to an itchy scalp.

If you find that your scalp is not only itchy but also appears to be reddish and scaly, you may suffer from scalp psoriasis.
This skin disorder can cause patches of the skin on your scalp to rise and turn red while looking similar to dandruff.
Although there is no apparent cause for psoriasis, it is known as an autoimmune disease that can likely be hereditary.
You live with it wearing Silicone Skin Medical Wigs.
Residue Build-Up
We all expose our hair and scalp to various forms of dirt and grit throughout the day.
Being out in the heat and working out also causes you to sweat, which gets trapped in your hair extensions and scalp.
Build-up doesnât always come from dirt and sweat â it can also come from natural oils and leave-in hair products.Â
Residue build-up happens to us all now and then, so it is essential to keep your scalp as fresh as you can in between washes.
Sensitive Skin
Have you noticed that your skin is super sensitive, which causes your body to react to specific products that you use?
That could also be the case for your scalp. Check the ingredients listed on the hair products that you use, and make sure you are not using anything that could potentially cause you to have an allergic reaction.
You can find many allergens in hair products that do not interact well with a lot of skin types, so make sure you know what youâre coming into contact with at all times! Sometimes, we use the wrong products.
Companies design all hair products specifically for a particular type of hair. Make sure you research any product before trying it out, especially if your skin is sensitive.
Take the time to find the products that are best suited for your hair and scalp before committing to them.

Stop Scratching and Start Healing Your Scalp
If youâre experiencing any of the scalp conditions described above, donât worry â there are plenty of solutions that can help you take a step forward to having a healthier scalp!
Add More Moisture to Your Scalp
One of the most important things that you can do to improve the health of your scalp is to make sure you are getting the proper amount of hydration.
There are several hydration methods that you can incorporate into your hair routines, such as deep conditioning, hot oil treatments, and, the simplest of them all, drinking lots of water!
While it is highly discouraged to wash your hair too often, try developing a weekly wash routine.
That will allow you to cleanse your hair and add moisture without stripping it of its nutrients.
For a better conditioning experience, make sure you are using the right conditioner for your scalp.
Try Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil, derived from the Melaleuca alternifolia tree, is an essential oil that is used to treat many skin conditions.
This oil can be used to fight against fungi, bacteria, and various viruses that affect the skin because of its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Try it on your scalp by using tea tree oil-infused shampoo or by adding a few drops to a bottle of shampoo that you already use.
Pro Tip: Glueless Wigs can be a solution as they don't require any adhesive to install, so you can look good and avoid itching your scalp.

Get Your Daily Dose of Vitamins
If you want a healthier scalp, you must improve your health.
One way to achieve a healthier lifestyle is to make sure your body is getting all the vitamins that you need for flawless skin.Â
Many vitamins, such as Zinc and Vitamin D, have proven positive effects on skin cells.
They help reduce the presence of skin disorders while also protecting the skin from heat and DNA damage.
Seek Guidance from a Dermatologist
For more severe scalp conditions like psoriasis, please visit your dermatologist to receive a treatment plan.
Most dermatologists will recommend medicated shampoos that can be purchased over the counter to control any skin disease that you may have.
If your scalp doesnât improve, they will provide you with a stronger solution, such as a topical steroid.
When in doubt, it is always best to seek help from a dermatologist because they are the skin experts!
If you're stuck, buy yourself a Curly Mono Fine Medical Wig.

No More Itching
Continually scratching your damaged scalp is annoying and can hinder you from enjoying your daily activities.
I encourage all of you to pay close attention to your scalp and treat it with care. đ«§
Just like any other skin on our bodies, our scalp needs proper care as well!