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The Tea on Ice Spice Real Hair and Wigs

Mikey Moran

The last couple of years have brought us the unique sound and style of the one and only Ice Spice.

Every time she pops up on social media, she seems to have a different look that makes us all smile, but how is she doing it? 🤩

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It won’t surprise you to learn that she’s all about adding touches of style by combining elegant lace front wigs with her real hair.

Let’s take a look at how she’s been wowing the world. 

Copper Straight Ice Spice Lookalike Wig 1

What Is Ice Spice’s Natural Hair?

When the Bronx native first burst on the scene with Munch, we all assumed she was a natural ginger.

The color just seemed right and had the ability to catch the eye like nothing else. Then something stunning went viral……a yearbook photo no one could have predicted!

Go back a couple of years, and the music maestro was rocking some classic straight black hair for her whole school to see.

It was sleek, stunning, and stylish in equal measure.

What she did with it would change the way she was viewed around the world. 

Copper Straight Ice Spice Lookalike Wig 2

Does Ice Spice Color Her Natural Hair?

Let’s put the iconic ginger afro to one side for the time being and look at those shots where she’s showing off longer hair.

If she was changing her color a couple of times a year, we’d say she was coloring it, but that’s not what she’s doing. 

One day, Ice Spice will have long blonde hair; the next, she’ll have it a few inches longer, red, and finished with bangs.

She’s using premium natural hair wigs just like the closures and lace frontals you’ll find here at Private Label. You can also shop these wigs in our hair bundle deals collection. 

No wonder she’s been able to create a unique image to go with instant hits like In Ha Mood! 

Copper Straight Ice Spice Lookalike Wig 3

What’s Ice Spice’s Favorite Wig?

Ice Spice is known mostly for her signature ginger loo, which she creates with a range of premium afro wigs.

The volume, bounce, and vitality of the hair show the world that she is someone bursting with energy and never afraid to express herself. 

She can only achieve this unique look by treating herself to premium real hair wigs that are cared for the right way.

It’s all about finding the right balance between constantly chopping and changing her style and having a consistent approach to wig wear and care.

Shopping for a Copper Straight Lace Front Wig is so much simpler than trying to style one from scratch using your real hair.

You will be able to pick the exact size and shade you want, as well as retain the natural beauty of the hair that sits underneath. 

Copper Ombre Straight 13x4 Transparent Lace Front Wig 1

Does Ice Spice Wear Straight Wigs?

There’s no doubt that Ice Spice is building an ever-expanding collection of straight wigs of various lengths, colors, and finishes like this Copper Ombre Lace Front Wig!

She loves to mix things up with straight wigs that come with bangs, and she’s never afraid to shock us with a bold splash of red.

Everything the woman does is designed to entertain her fans and build her name.

This is just what you would expect from someone who went from a college student to a global megastar in what feels like the blink of an eye. 

Copper Ombre Straight 13x4 Transparent Lace Front Wig 2

What Else Does Ice Spice Wear?

She’s also been known to step out in style with a bob wig or two from time to time.

These classic throwback styles can be easily brought back to life with a premium real hair wig that looks the part from every angle. 

Rather than cutting and styling her hair and then having to wait for it to grow out again, Ice Spice takes control of her personal style with a collection of elegant wigs.

You’d expect nothing less from a natural performer who was seemingly born to entertain the rest of us. 

Copper Blonde Highlight Straight 13x4 Transparent Lace Front Wig 1

The True Condition of Ice Spice’s Real Hair

It’s sometimes tempting to think that a celebrity is covering up their real hair because they want to try and hide something, but is that really the case here?

The fact that there has been much debate about whether Ice Spice is natural ginger shows the quality of the wigs she wears.

We also know they’re not hiding real hair that is damaged or split because of the viral yearbook photo that shows off her natural shine.

Premium quality wigs like those you can browse here at Private Label will never damage or stress your real hair.

They’re designed to feel as soft as silk against your hair and scalp while always giving your skin a chance to breathe. 

Copper Blonde Highlight Straight 13x4 Transparent Lace Front Wig 2

Why Does Ice Spice Step Out in so Many Styles?

Because she can! If you follow in her oh-so-stylish footsteps, you’ll be able to do exactly the same thing whenever the mood takes you. 

Real hair wigs allow you to turn on the style in your own signature way, maybe even turning as many heads as Ice Spice in the process.

Whether you want the same iconic ginger afro or something totally different, the choice is yours. 

The key is to believe in who you are and then show the whole world what you have to offer. It could be one look for work and another for date nights in the city.

The choice is yours when you decide to treat yourself to the same stylish transformation as the one and only Ice Spice. 

Mimic her style with a Copper with Blonde Highlights Wig!

Copper Deep Wave Bulk Human Braiding Hair

What Will Ice Spice Create Next?

We thought we’d leave you with one for the future so that you can get excited about the new styles that are coming quickly over the horizon.

While we don’t think she’ll drop the signature ginger look any time soon, we do think she’s going to get even more creative with her straight wigs.

The bold red look combined with bangs that sit just above the eyes is something she seems to be moving towards more and more. ✨

Will it soon become her next signature look as she graces stages around the world?

Only time will tell, but it’s going to be an exciting ride as we all sit back and watch…

Keep in mind that you can adopt her vibe in a braided style with Copper Braiding Hair!

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