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Body Wave Wigs

Straight Wigs


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Loose Wave Wigs

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Yaki Wigs

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Honey Blonde

Jet Black

How to Keep Your Wigs Organized & Make Room for More!

Mikey Moran

Storage tips for wigs!

Do you have multiple wigs? Do you have anywhere to store them?

Having your wigs organized helps keeps them all in the same area for easy access.

Purchasing a human hair wig is a great investment.

Shop Human Hair Wigs

Keeping them stored correctly and with the proper wig maintenance goes a long way towards preserving and guaranteeing that it continues to look its best in the long run.

Whether you are looking to store a synthetic wig or a human hair wig, here are a few ways for storage: to efficiently organize, keep the packaging for each wig or invest in wig heads.

Organizing your wigs is a clever idea to find a wig quickly, arrange them by style, and for longevity.🫶🏾

Braided model in an aisle of a hair store

Keep Stored Away

Wigs are durable, but try and keep them away and protected.

If possible, keep your wigs (or extensions) away from direct sun exposure, heat, and dust.

These elements dull the color and vibrancy of your wigs and degrade it, making it more likely to lose structure.

In addition to sun exposure, heat, and dust, playful pets, and young children should not have access to your wigs or human hair extensions.

Utilize Your Closet Space

If you have the space for it, storing your wigs in your bedroom closet space is a nifty choice.

Keeping your wigs in your bedroom closet space ensures that your wigs are easily within arm's reach to you while keeping them safe from pets and younger children.

Use a Mannequin Head or Wig Stands

To help keep the wigs shape, place them on a wig stand or a mannequin head secured by a Wig Belt.

Even if you do not have the space to keep all your wigs on hair extension stands, have at least one mannequin head or wig stand to store the wig you use the most.

Keeping your wig on a mannequin head or a stand will help the wig maintain its structure and style, and cut back on time in your morning hair routine!

If you want to keep the structure of the wig (the way it fits on your head), then a mannequin head is a better option for you.

You can purchase a set of stands and mannequin heads on Amazon or your local beauty supply store.

You can use a wig head made of Styrofoam to store your wig for small periods of time.

Keeping your wig on one helps maintain the shape of your wig.

Wig heads, commonly referred to as wig stands, are the most effective way to store your wigs because these stands are made exactly for that reason.

Styrofoam wig stands are lightweight, practical, and not expensive.

Make sure to keep the wig stand clean because it becomes dirty after excessive use.

Wigs mannequin heads and stands

Traveling with Your Wig

While you are taking your wig on a trip with you, store it in a thin box (the box that comes with your wig is usually small enough for travel or a sturdy container.

Don't have either of these?

Store your wig in a jumbo Ziploc bag.

Doing this will help make sure that your wig does not accidentally get smashed or too tangled in your suitcase.

If you find yourself requiring to frequently travel with your wigs, make sure to travel with a foldable wig stand so that your wig remains properly maintained throughout your trip.

Long-Term Storage

If you want to put your wigs in storage for an extended period, take care to prep it properly first.

Take the time to cleanse and detangle your wig before you store it; storing a wig with product build up in it could cause permanent damage.

Once your wig is clean and detangled, fold it in half from ear to ear, and place it back in its original package or a custom wig box.

Private Label Showroom Blonde Straight Wigs Back Shot

Organize by Style, Length, and Shade

Organizing by the style, you can organize both from the look of the wig (wavy, straight, brazilian) or the name of the wig.

The name of the unit is usually a women's title (i.e., Jasmine). Also, arranging them in their original boxes or packaging with the label facing outward.

If you have wigs that you use for certain occasions, such as an event, then you can group them.

And save a good spot for the Glueless Wigs.

Organizing your wigs by lengths, allows you to group all your short, medium, and long.

It cuts back on time if you have a rather ample collection and need to pinpoint a wig quickly.

This method also applies to hair extensions.

Keep all of your short and long extensions grouped in a tightly sealed bag or box.

Organizing numerous shades or tones are a good way to keep your wigs organized as well.

Keep all of your blonde, black, brown, and other colors in their group.

If you have seasonal wigs, group them according to which season you wear them most in (Winter, Summer, Fall, Spring).

Private Label Showroom Black Wigs Different Styles

Final Wig Storage Tips!

We hope the storage and organization tips above help you with wig storage.

Wigs are a significant investment, so we want to preserve them for as long as we can.

Using proper care and organizational techniques will help keep your fabulous wigs looking its best for many years to come.

You don't want the color of a Blonde Body Wave Wig like this to fade away.

Although a synthetic wig and human hair lace wig require different methods of maintaining and styling, they are still stored the same.

In any case, don't just toss your wig around when you are not wearing it.

Also, remember to keep it out of direct sun exposure and keep away from heat and dust; keep wigs away from windows that receive sunlight throughout most of the day.🌞

Keeping your wigs together based on style, color, and the length keeps it easy to locate them.

Your bedroom closet space is the perfect place to keep your wig since they are safer; not around pets or young children.

Besides, your bedroom is also suitable as this is where you get ready for the day (or night), a ritual that involves putting on or taking off your wig!

What tips do you have for organizing and storing your wigs?

Drop them in the comments below!👇🏾

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These tips are so helpful for keeping wigs organized! I’ve found that using wig stands really does make a difference in maintaining the shape and style of my wigs.


Great tips for wig storage! Organizing by style, length, and shade makes total sense to quickly find the perfect wig. Using wig stands or mannequin heads definitely helps maintain their shape.


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