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Painless Type of Hair Enhancement: Braidless Extensions

Mikey Moran

Remove that tedious braiding stage and still achieve a flawless installation with this new technique.

Another way to rock your beautiful hair extensions is becoming more popular in the hair industry!

This method of wearing extensions is creating a buzz: it's the braidless extensions! 😉

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Yes, you read it correctly: braidless extensions. No more sitting through that long and sometimes painful braiding process.

Braidless extensions have removed that uncomfortable step for you and your stylist.

Although this technique is not new, it has become a must-try for stylists and their clients.

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What Are Braidless Extensions

Braidless extensions are exactly how they sound; they are hair extensions that are connected and installed without any braid foundation.

Crazy right? Yeah, I thought the same thing when I first heard about them, but they intrigued me, so I'll share them.

Extension wearers across the world have embraced this technique, and stylists have also.

Stylists are always finding new ways to show their talent and wheel in more clients; this is a perfect way!

Want longer and fuller locks without any added stress on your scalp? Braidless extensions are perfect for you! Lock n stitch and Malaysian method are other names for the braidless extension method.

With this technique, there are just a few simple steps, and with the help of silicon bands and wallah, the hair extensions are in place.

Braidless extensions are not something I would recommend you try and do yourself, so go to a professional for your braidless installation.

For the perfect installation using this technique, many stylists lean towards micro links.

Micro links like I-Tips and Flat Tips extensions are just extensions that are applied strand by strand to give you the most natural hair install.

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Braidless Extensions FAQs

Will it hurt to apply the bonds?

No, there is no pain but slight discomfort.

There may be some discomfort because of how close the bonds have to be to the scalp. This feeling will not last for days after the installation, so don't worry. 

How long do these extensions last?

Braidless installs can last up to 3 months.

I would not recommend keeping them for any longer than three months at most because of how close they are to your scalp.

Getting them redone every few weeks is fine. These hair extensions will not last beyond four months without care from your stylist.

Keep in mind that when your hair grows, it will push the extensions further away from your scalp.

Because of hair growth, this can cause them to slip out eventually. It's always important to know how long extensions can last.

How are they applied?

The bands or micro beads are applied to the given strand and plied together to secure the base for the extensions.

The hairbands can then be placed on the scalp. The hairband serves as the foundation for the hair extensions.

It is common to do this process in 3-4 rows for a full install. Although it isn't rare, some people try to get a complete install using this method.

Dark Brown Straight Flat Tip

How are they removed?

It is always best to go back to a professional to have them removed so that you aren't doing any damage to your hair.

However, there is a DIY way to remove it: take out the thread that holds the weft.

Then, with a pair of pliers, open the band to remove it.

Your stylist will do the same, but it is always better done by a professional so there aren't any steps missed.

Who benefits from braidless extensions?

The best candidate for this technique is anyone who wants a fuller look.

For my ladies with thin or thinning hair, l would not recommend this method because of the tension it can cause.

Braidless extensions are a technique that is applied strand by strand so that they can damage the hair of someone experiencing thinning.

Can these extensions be worn with any texture of hair?

Absolutely, of course, you will have to find the right hair extensions.

No texture is left out with this technique; just research the right hair extensions that match your hair, and you are all set to go!

Remember, ladies, a blended weave is a good one!

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Hair Care for Braidless Extensions

This technique of hair extensions does not require your hair to be braided down or put away, so you can wash and care as you would your own.

You can clean, blow-dry, comb, and brush just like with any other extensions.

You can even flat iron and curl braidless extensions, and it doesn't affect the bonds at all!

Always make sure that your hair is thoroughly cleaned and conditioned before the installation or any installation with hair extensions.

The only thing that you will need to pay attention to when it comes to caring for your extensions is to be more gentle.

You have to be more gentle than usual because of how delicate the extensions are applied.

Everyone has their own experiences, views, and opinions on the pros and cons of many things.

You always have to do your research to see if that same thing will work for you or not.

Check out some of the pros and cons, free of personal bias, just facts.

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  • No braid foundation, which results in less stress to the scalp and your tender head
  • Braidless extensions lay flatter than the traditional methods. Say bye to those bulky installs
  • Very durable
  • No glue needed
  • Adds fullness
  • Adds length
  • More flexibility for different styles
  • More breathing room for your scalp
  • Blends perfectly with your hair
  • Able to leave all of your hair out


  • It can be expensive - some stylists charge per bond installed
  • People with thinning hair cannot wear.
  • A professional must do them - ladies, you cannot and should not DIY with this technique!
  • Will slip out if not installed correctly & once hair begins to grow.
  • Holds more weight on the head due to the extensions being placed strand by strand.
  • Anyone with less than 5 inches of hair can't wear them.
  • Bonds can add tension to the scalp if applied too tightly.

Tape-In Extensions and Clip-In Extensions are considered braidless extensions too and they take seconds to install.

Flat Tips Black Raw Indian Hair Bundles

Give It a Go!

You don't have to completely get rid of your other go-to method for hair extensions, but know there are other options.

Many people think they can only get their extensions sewn in if they have the beehive foundation.

Now you know there is another option, try the braidless extensions. 😁

So there you have all the need-to-know information about braidless extensions.

Next time you go to your stylist, ask them about this technique and try it out!

Remember that V-Part Wigs and U-Part Wigs can comes in handy too because they leave a room for your natural hair to blend it in the front.

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