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Hair Allergies Preventing You from Wearing Quick Weaves and Sew-Ins

Mikey Moran

And we sometimes dismiss them because it is just an itch.

You can be allergic to thread, hair glue, chemicals on hair, or hair weave types.

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The sad thing is you won't know until you have already had the quick weave or sew-in done. 🪡

While hair allergies seem to be rare, they are actually pretty, and you may have a hair allergy and not even know it.

A Woman Examining Her Scalp

Type of Hair Allergies

Anytime your scalp is irritated and itching, there is something that is causing an allergic reaction to your hair.

Whether you have a dry scalp or a dirty scalp. Most sew-in extensions come chemically processed, so you can get more wear out of them, which can cause a scalp allergic reaction.

Sometimes, there is no way of escaping the chemicals used on hair. You can always thoroughly wash the hair before getting it installed.

Along with chemicals, the hair itself can break your scalp out.

The tools or products used to install the quick weave or sew-in can also contribute to creating a hair allergy.

If you ever notice that your scalp is becoming red, inflamed, irritated, or even peeling, you have experienced a hair allergy, and you need to pay attention to what you put into your hair and how.

Hair and Scalp Micro Close-Up

Alkaline Base Coat on Synthetic Hair

This coat is placed on the synthetic strands to make it heat resistant.

I mentioned this for two reasons: some people like to wear synthetic hair, and stylists use synthetic braiding hair instead of human braiding hair for the base braid foundation of quick weaves and sew-ins.

This chemical has been discovered to cause the itching you get when your hair is braided.

Some people may think it is the actual hair extensions, but it is more than likely synthetic braiding hair.

While this does not entirely prevent you from getting a quick weave or sew-in, this can cause considerable irritation to your scalp, which will last throughout the installation of the hair extensions.

To prevent this irritation/allergy, diluted vinegar, and water are used to rid the hair of this coat.

All you have to do is soak the braiding hair before your stylist installs the extensions.

Soak the hair for 15-25 minutes or longer if you see fit; you will see the hair change to a light brown color.

Once the water turns a light brown, you will be able to tell that the alkaline base coat is no longer on the synthetic hair.

Private Label lace paste glue products Atlanta showroom

Allergic Reaction to Hair Glue

When getting a quick weave, the stylist will glue the hair extensions onto a cap.

If the stylist doesn't use a hair net, that lace glue can seep through the cap onto your scalp, possibly causing a red, itchy scalp.

The reaction can also happen if you are directly placing the hair extensions onto your hair for a quick weave without a cap, which I do not recommend.

If you realize that your scalp is allergic to the hair glue, that is because you are latex sensitive.

Latex is a crucial ingredient in the traditional black hair glue, which explains its consistency.

At the beginning of my hair extension days, I glued a few tracks into my hair to add volume and definitely regretted it.

Before I knew there was glue remover, I would glue tracks directly onto my scalp for a flat look while ignoring the itch.

Little did I know that constant itching was my scalp trying to tell me that I was having an allergic reaction to the glue.

An alternative to black hair glue that we all are familiar with is white hair glue. It has a water base, so it is the consistency of lotion. 

SalonPro has an excellent hair glue and takes water to come out of your hair. It does leave a little residue, but it does not irritate your skin because of the oils it contains.

This glue is safer for your hair and scalp; most brands that I have seen use essential oils. This is a common hair allergy that can prevent you from wearing quick weaves.

While itching and redness seem mild, there are cases where the symptoms of hair allergies can worsen.

Once your scalp becomes irritated, it will flake badly, which can cause tenderness to your scalp, preventing you from being able to wear sew-ins or quick weaves.

And of course, you can go wrong with Private Label Lace Glues, literally the best in Atlanta.

Hair Products Chemical Ingredients

Chemically Processed or Unprocessed Hair

It might not be for you.

Sometimes, hair extensions don't agree with your scalp, and that will positively prevent you from wearing quick weaves and sew-ins. Chemically processed hair means the hair can be dyed, curled, etc.

If you are buying hair extensions that are "natural black," the dye can cause a hair allergy.

Now, all hair companies will not cause an allergic reaction, but some may. And those are the ones you want to stay away from.

Hair that is not chemically processed can be of lower quality. And while expensive doesn't always mean quality, super cheap hair may come unclean.

Unclean hair can irritate as well, just as much as chemicals can.

I have had one real allergic reaction to hair extensions, and It was my first time getting a sew-in. I bought store-bought hair because, at this time, the wholesale era was not a "thing" just yet.

Long story short, I had to get medication from my doctor because my scalp was breaking out in hives and was itching so bad I could not sleep.

That was the last time I ever tried store-bought hair: lesson learned. If you buy store-bought hair, don't let my experience turn you away.

Just make sure that you are getting a reputable brand and washing the hair thoroughly before installation. Or get human pre-colored hair extensions.

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Worth the Trial and Error

Beauty and hair are all about finding what works best for you and sticking with that. It's also about trial and error and trying new things.

While there are more hair allergies to look out for, I feel these are some of the most important ones. 👍🏿

And ones I can speak about personally. Look on forums, check out reviews, and ask people about the brand of hair you decide to get.

If you come across hair or products that cause a hair allergy that will prevent you from being able to rock your hair extensions, spread the word and leave that product/hair company alone.

Remember, sharing is caring!

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