How to Install Bundles with 13x4 Frontal

Mikey Moran

Time to turn on the style and show the whole world what you can do?

Thought so! That’s why we’ve put together a quick little guide that is sure to help you catch the eye for all the right reasons.Â đŸ˜»

All you have to do is keep reading while we walk you through everything you need to know about adding bundles with 13x4 frontal to your look. 

Private Label Showroom Human Hair 13x4 Lace Frontals 2

What Are Bundles with 13x4 Frontal?

It’s the perfect way to dress your hairline with a touch of style that’s never going anywhere.

A lace frontal that measures 13 inches by 4 inches gives your hairline a much more natural look, all while setting you free to try new styles however your heart desires. It’s also larger than a standard lace closure too.

Perfect when you want to be able to set the tone in a way the whole block is going to take note of. In addition to some human hair bundles.

Private Label Extensions Different Textures of Hair Bundles

How Many Bundles with Your 13x4 Lace Frontal?

Another good question! While styles may vary, we recommend you sew 3-4 bundles if you want a full lace front wig.

But if you prefer pulling your hair back and wearing it up off your shoulders, you’ll need fewer bundles and can just work ear-to-ear if you want to. 

Now it’s time to really turn on the style

hairstylist gluing lace hair extensions closeup

The Glue-In Method for Bundles with 13x4 Frontal

When it’s time to slay, and you don’t want a sew-in look, you can turn your hands to glue with ease.

Gluing is never going to be quite as tight and secure as sewing, but it can still do the trick when you need it to.

Here’s how to make it happen in a few quick and easy steps:

  • Apply the lace glue to the underside of the lace, taking care to fully stretch it out so that you never trap any of those troublesome air bubbles.
  • Reach for your favorite rat tail comb and start smoothing the lace down so that it sits in the glue and starts to take holes.
  • Pick up an eyebrow razor (handling with care, of course) and cut your lace frontally so it doesn’t look like an artificial line. Rag it up a little here!
  • Very gently blow dry on low heat to help the glue go clear as it dries. If in doubt about how much heat to apply, consider sitting back and allowing nature to take its course instead.

Maybe want to go with some body wave bundles right now?

Or perhaps it’s more about some straight hair bundles that add that chic finishing touch? Well, before you go that way, we need to share this with you, sister

Preparing Needles for a Sew-In

The Sew-In Method for Bundles with 13x4 Frontal

When you’ve chosen your style and know what you want, there’s still one choice to make.

You don’t have to go for a glue-in if you don’t want to because there is a lot to be said for the sew-in install. 

We’ve seen empowered women step out in everything from a casual loose wave  to a luscious Spanish wave look with this method.

Here’s everything you need to know to bring it to life:

  • The secret lies in the prep, and that means washing and conditioning your hair without sulfate or harsh synthetic chemicals in sight.
  • Next, reach for the first bundle and part it where you want to sew it. You might feel a little unsure at this point, but take your time, and everything will fit into place.
  • Make sure you have a mirror by your side or a friend to help so you can make sure everything is exactly how it should be.
  • Thread a needle with roughly 48 inches of thread, double it up, and tie off the loose ends — working a double thread is the key to your crown!
  • Use the needle to pass the thread through the bundle and your natural hair, making sure to pull gently so that your hair doesn’t get put under strain.
  • Keep repeating this stitching technique, taking care to ensure that each stitch has the same tension and is of equal spacing. Tie off with a knot and then cut your bundle to length however you wish.

Sounds like a little too much work to do for the first time.

Don’t worry. There’ll definitely be a sister in your neighborhood who has done it so many times that she can help you glide through it.

Put your thoughts of stitching to one side, and let’s finish with the real reason you’re here. 

Raw Deep Wave Hair 13x4 Lace Frontal Bottom

Timeless Style for a Little Less

You deserve a treat now more than ever with some 13x4 frontals.

That’s why we want to make sure you never have to go anywhere else to make yourself smile. 

Your crown should be able to catch the eye and sing out across the block from the moment you step out onto the street.

Our goal is to show you that not only are you worth it but that you’re the only one who can style this out. 

Everyone else is sitting there and waiting to see your new style, so it’s about time you went out there and showed them who you truly are with a 13x4 lace front wig.

Getting everything you need with nothing but a couple of clicks in the right place is the smart way to add some sass and style to your look without ever having to compromise. 

You want a look that everyone will think is natural, and that is exactly why we wanted to reach out and talk to you today.

Treat yourself to a little something extra, and you’ll be bringing your own loose wave look to life before you know it. 😎

And you never know; you might just master the sew-in technique so easily that you help your fellow sisters turn up the heat on their crowns, too, just what you want to hear when it’s time to step out in a way that the whole block is going to notice.

Don't forget to check Why to Get Bundles with 13x6 Frontal too.

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