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Is It Hygienic to Share Lace Front Wigs?

Mikey Moran

Okay, ladies listen up!

We’re about to discuss something that is a bit unbelievable.

It's not every day that you hear about this information, so I’m bringing it to light!

The hair market is one of the fastest growing in the beauty industry. It has come a long way over the years and is still evolving.

The biggest changes we have seen have been the evolution of hair extensions. They are more natural looking, more assessable and even more expensive.

The hair quality is a completely higher grade than ones sold at hair stores also.

Shop Human Hair Wigs

Although we constantly hear great things about hair extensions, one thing that’s a bit of a secret is people sharing their extensions!

That’s right, they take them off and allow others to wear them.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m scratching my head over this situation.

However, some folks have a difference of opinion. Some people don’t see anything wrong with sharing their lace frontal wigs.

Well, I think we should be the judge on whether or not this is even okay, let alone healthy!

Continue reading below as I go through reasons why people may share their hair extensions.💗

Private Label Models Wearing Indian Hair Lace Front Wigs Facing Each Other

Too Expensive

I’m sure we can all agree that there is nothing cheap about hair extensions.

Especially if you are buying raw hair bundles with a raw 13x6 HD lace frontal.

I’m talking everything from purchasing them, to install to even maintenance. When you invest your money into extensions, you are getting your money worth for sure.

However, there are plenty of people who don’t have that kind of money to spend.

They want the beauty standards behind extensions but can’t afford it.

So what does one do?

Well, they call their best friend up and ask to use theirs! Why even try to put the money out if you don’t have to.

There are plenty of people who will even split the cost of hair extensions and get custom lace fronts made.

Is this idea okay or even necessary though?

What about college roommates?

We all know those four years on campus aren’t easy financially, but people still want to look their best.

Asking your roommate to borrow their lace front wig would be completely convenient especially if they split the cost. They both could decide on which type of hair they would want so they could take turns styling it.

For example, the roommates could opt for straight virgin hair extensions since they have more versatility and great quality.

Then one roommate could rock the lace wig when needed and vice versa.

Or what about a family member like a little sister?

They may be going on a last minute date and just can’t get their hair in order. Well, nobody wants to reschedule a date over a bad hair experience!

So, they borrow their sister’s big curly lace front wig and continue with no issues.

When you think about these scenarios, sharing hair extensions, don’t seem that bad!

It almost seems like a fair bargain with no risk.

Above everything it’s convenient and a great way to save money.

Even if you were someone who only wants to wear extensions a couple of times out the month, it would be better to share it.

And what if the hair wasn't as personal as a wig? Maybe sharing a human hair ponytail or some clip-in extensions are not as big of a commitment.

So far, sharing extensions is a good thing!

Private Label Model Wearing Indian Wavy Lace Front Wig Posing

Health Issues with Sharing Wigs

Now the stress-free illusion is over, let's discuss the dark, untold side of sharing hair extensions.

If you think about it, a lace front wig is as personal as under clothes.

Tons of bacteria and germs get transferred to our underclothes, just like the wig.

Think about when people exercise; they are constantly sweating. Toxins and bacteria are flowing out from their skin that’s getting soaked into the wig.

Eventually, the wig can also begin to smell because of it. That’s why people wash their extensions, although everyone doesn’t go that route.

You also have some people who even go through their day sweating as well. Then when their friend or family member asks to use their lace front wig, without thinking, they give it to them.

What they don’t realize how many germs they are passing to them.

Take, for instance, a person who has an open cut or rash on the lace area of their hairline; that area is going to be more affected because an unknown bacteria is on it now.

Some may think that sharing lace front wigs (Check out this tutorial on how to put on a lace front wig) is a quick exchange, but they don’t realize just how much exchange takes place.

Even when it comes down to the edges of the lace front, there are bacteria in that area.

Some people’s edges can get ripped after removing the frontal also. So if you allow someone to wear your wig, you will also get that person bacteria as well.

Understand that bacteria and bodily fluids are a serious issue.

They should not be thrown to the waist-side and ignored.

This logic is the same foundation that causes people to get sick and catch diseases because they aren’t careful or ask questions.

Private Label Model Wearing Honeycomb Lace Front Bob Wig

Wig Portfolio Purposes

Okay, so out of all that we covered so far, this point is the safest and best reason to share hair extensions, if you have to! Building your portfolio is a major factor no matter what industry you pursue.

However, its essential in the beauty industry.

There are tons of makeup artists who work hard at beating faces and have to capture a photo of it for their portfolio.

Now, they can’t just snap a photo of the face, although some do, staging the photo will enhance it more.

They rely on props such as HD lace front wigs for their models to use all the time.

Are you wondering the difference between makeup artists having their models wear lace front wigs vs. other people?

Well, it’s because many of them prepare for it while keeping everyone safe.

Some use double-sided hairnets to make sure the lace front wig isn’t placed directly on the model's hair.

Then they have a photographer take photos, and the wig is back off as fast as it was put on.

The same would go for someone who makes lace front wigs for a living and wants their customers to know how different styles would look on different skin tones.

They also would get models to wear the wigs for a short period and still use a double-sided hairnet.

Deep Wave 13x4 Transparent Lace Front Wig Cap

Are You Sharing Your Wig?

Well, we have made it to the end of discussing should lace front wigs be shared.

There are some good and bad things about it, just like anything else.

If you’re sharing lace front wigs, know that it’s not a terrible idea, but you must be careful and mindful. We know that lace front wigs are popular but that doesn't alway mean they should be shared.

Making sure the wig and the persons hair is clean, are good tips to follow as well.

Although I didn't mention it earlier, if you are sharing wigs, make sure the person takes care of it! Like I said, hair extensions are not cheap.

So whoever is borrowing it should also know that.

I think the biggest take away from this would be to think hard about lending your lace front wigs out.

Analyze all parts of it to make sure you’re making the best decision.

Have you ever thought about sharing lace front wigs?

Did you go through with it?

If so, talk to me in the comment section below!👇🏾

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Interesting read! I never thought about the potential health risks of sharing wigs. It definitely makes sense to be cautious.


Sharing lace front wigs can be practical, but hygiene is definitely a concern. How do you ensure cleanliness when sharing wigs with friends or family?


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