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How to Get the Most Out of Your Blowouts

Mikey Moran


Nothing is more exciting than getting your hair washed, blown, dried, or stretched and then styled as desired or let in its free-flowing, blown-out state. 

Shop Human Hair Bundles

Blowouts have been a favorite since the beginning of hair time. 💗

The process got straight hair that is volumized at the push of a button and flick of a wrist.

Styling Blow out Close-Up

The Problem with Blowouts

Since blowouts have begun, there have been issues; as with everything great, there are still some kinks to be worked out.

For instance, what is the best oil to use? Do I need a heat protectant? Should I go with Loose Wave or Spanish Wave Bundles?

The age-old debate of using a brush, a comb, or the actual blow-dryer attachment has plagued blow-out lovers everywhere.

However, the most asked and frustrating question ever concerning blowouts is, "How do I make a blowout last?"

Shampoo and a Sponge

Use Quality Products Before Blow Drying

The base of any beautiful and lasting hairstyle is fueling your hair with the right things beforehand.

Good Shampoos and Conditioners

Whether you are natural, relaxed, or have a texturizer, it is essential to pay attention to the products that are going into your hair and scalp.

Opt for shampoos that are sulfate-free, as they are less harsh on hair follicles.

Look for lightweight conditioners that will not bog down hair or clog the scalp. Do not merely snag the cheapest conditioner, significant name-brand products, or the one with the cutest bottle.

Get into the ingredients of the conditioner, and make a note of its purpose. All conditioners are not created equal.

Additionally, attempt to use one hair care system, like a conditioner and shampoo that come in a set.

Doing so will help the products work together to strengthen and cleanse your beautiful locks.

Oils and Heat Protectants

To maintain your style, try to use leave-in conditioners that are not primarily water-based; this will encourage your hair to curl up more.

Find an oil that you can spread on your fingers and spread throughout your hair or spray on lightly, such as Argan Oil.

Use the oil for added hydration, but don't overuse it. Using too much could cause the hair to burn or be limp during the blow-drying process.

Private Label has the in-house production of Armor Heat Protector Spray that going to mix well with that.

The combination of oil and heat protectant will act as a barrier to your hair strands and lessen the effects of potential heat damage.

Black and Pink Round Brush

Be Mindful of Your Tools

The right tools will make a difference in the effectiveness of your blowouts.

Choosing the Right Brush

Blowouts are meant to get your hair straighter.

Therefore, you want to use tools that detangle any leftover knots, be gentle on your hair, and are easy to manipulate on wet or damp hair.

A Denman Brush is great at detangling and is adjustable to your personal preference.

Denman brushes are great at detangling and isolating curls.

A round brush maybe slightly harsher on your hair, depending on whether you are using it correctly.

These brushes can cause some severe dangling when misused, so be mindful of your strokes!

This brush is great for both long and short hair types because of its ability to grip the hair firmly in its teeth.

Often, as a short 4C hair natural, I like to use this brush because it gives my curls the optimal stretch.

A flat brush is used when flat-ironed hair; it's like a combination of both brushes, depending on the particular style you've chosen.

Another option is to use the attachment that comes with most blowdryers. It is a thin comb piece that will put less stress on your wrist.

However, using a blow dryer with a sprayed ending and a brush is more effective in the evening, distributing heat and easily maneuvering through hair.

hairstylist drying client hair with blow dryer

Use the Correct Temperature on Your Blow-Dryer

If you're like me, you do not know that the blowdryer has a low, warm, or cold setting.

Can I take hot and high heat for one thousand?

While this is often the quickest way to get your hair dry, it is not the healthiest option.

Try using one setting (high power) or the other (medium heat) while blow-drying hair. It will take a little longer, but it will also protect your hair and scalp.

Watch Your Technique

The technique is the most important tip when it comes to achieving a good blowout.

First, lightly towel dry your hair before attempting to blow it out. Next, section your hair into small sections.

The smaller the parts, the better your blowout will be. Using smaller sections will help concentrate the heat and get straighter hair.

Then, take the brush or toothcomb in your dominant hand and the blow-dryer in your other hand and make straight, even strokes.

Repeat this process until your hair is complete. Be sure to blow dry your hair at the same heat to get the same results evenly across your head.

Do not let the hot temperatures sit too long on one part of your hair; even if it is not cooperating, blow dry it and comb it back later.

When finished, wrap it up with a fresh shot of air over your entire head!

Pro Tip: If you want a volumized hair look you can opt our for the beautiful Full Lace Afro Wig or the Brown Ombre Wavy Wig!

Stylist Performing a Blowout on a Client

Getting the Most Out of Your Blow Out

Stay out of it!

Touching your hair and adding more oils or products will shorten the lifespan of your style. Keep out of your hair for a bit!

Continually manipulating your hair will cause it to be limp and dirty.

The dirt and oil from your hands can transfer to your hair and affect the overall look and feel.

Protect Your Hair During the Day

Protect your hair during the day by being prepared.

Be mindful of the weather to avoid hair disasters.

For instance, cover your head on rainy days and don't expose your hair to too much heat or cold; tuck away your ends, cover and protect your edges.

Private Label Silk Bonnets

Wrap Your Hair at Night

Wrap it up, then wrap it again!

Whether you like to do an afro, a pineapple, or a busy pony, pop in a silk scarf or a bonnet.

This simple tip for protecting your hair at night will do wonders for the longevity of your style and improve your hair health and moisture.

Perform Touch-Ups

After a week or so, brush your hair out and blow dry your hair on low.

Touch-ups will straighten out any flyaways or curls that have made their way back into your hair.

Spice It Up!

Get some wraps, headbands, and pins to add to your hair.

Adding in accessories will help you get more styles out of one blow-drying cycle and buy you time until your next blow-out!

Not to mention, it'll enhance your look and add to your beauty.

Private Label Model With Straight HD Closure Wig Hair Flying

Don't Waste a Day of Straight Hair

Extend the life of your blowout by investing in your hair care and tools.

Don't forget to cover your hair during humid or rainy days and wrap it up at night! 🌃

Blow-outs can be a daunting style to achieve, depending on the length and texture of your hair.

But with the right products, tools, and techniques, it can be a fun and lasting style.

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