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Full Lace Wig Care Hacks: Keep Your Wig Looking Fabulous!

Mikey Moran

If you own a full lace wig today, then it means you are a hot girl who knows what's up. It also means you enjoy luxury and prefer to use the best pieces in the market.

Any wig enthusiast will tell you that full lace wigs for human hair do not come cheap, so everyone who owns one should know how to care for them properly.

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It is one thing to own a wig, but making sure it looks fabulous is a skill on its own.

Since we at Private Label do not gate-keep essential information from our beautiful queens and wig enthusiasts, we have created a comprehensive guide to help you keep your wigs lush forever.

So, if you want to enjoy your full lace wigs for as long as possible, keep reading.

Brazilian Blonde Body Wave Full Lace Wig Sizing

What Are Full Lace Wigs

Full lace wigs are wigs made with a sheer lace base. When installed, the wig gives a flawless natural look and can be styled creatively like your natural hair.

Each strand of hair is manually hand-tied to the lace to give the illusion of hair growing out of the scalp.

This means you can part the hair in any section, and it would look genuine. This sheer base makes full lace wigs more fragile than other types of human hair wigs and, as such, should be handled with care.  

How to Care for Full Lace Wigs

Most wig users are not as careful with their wigs as they are with their natural hair.

In truth, wigs need even more care because any breakage or loss of hair can not be replaced. After all, the hair doesn't grow.

Therefore, here are simple practices to help you care for and maintain your wigs.


Before combing out your full lace wigs, whether straight, curly, or wavy, it is important that you apply a detangler.

These products often come in the form of sprays, mists, serums, or conditioners.

Some are specifically designed for different hair patterns, so it is best to discuss them with a stylist or professional hairdresser for recommendations.


After detangling the hair strands, gently comb from the bottom up. This way, you are less likely to pull out chunks of hair at a time.

The lace on the wig is often relatively thin, so if you comb roughly, you might cause your wig to have bald patches.

Combing or brushing your wig after every use before storing it is also essential.

Washing and Conditioning

You must remember that the frequency you wash your wig depends on how often you wear it and how dirty it is.

Some people wash their wigs at least once every month after a few uses, and others may only wash the wig for a short time because they have only worn it once or twice.

Therefore, it depends on how you use your wig.  When washing a full lace wig, you must be as gentle as you would when bathing a baby. You need lukewarm water, mild shampoo and conditioner, and a clean towel. Use lukewarm water to wash the hair with shampoo, making sure not to scrub.

Instead, gently squeeze the dirty water out of the wig, repeating the process two to three times or until clean. Then rinse and condition the hair, allowing it to sit for up to ten minutes before rinsing.

Next, pat the wig dry and allow it to air dry.

Brazilian Blonde Straight Full Lace Wig Lace


Styling your full lace wig depends on your preference and the hair's original texture. For instance, kinky curly hair can only be appropriately styled to straight hair with excessive heat and products, which may affect the quality of the hair strands.

So, you are best styling your full lace wigs to the hair's original texture. 

Use of Heat

Excessive heat use on full-lace wigs may not only melt the knots in the lace but also damage the hair strands.

So, when styling your hair, the safest temperature is between 250℉ and 300℉ (approximately 120℃ to 150℃). This applies when using a hot comb, tongs, or curler.


When storing your full lace wigs, it is best to keep them in a cool, dry place and avoid keeping them under direct sunlight for long periods.

You can keep them in the box they come in or store them in a silk drawstring bag until ready to use.

Lace Care

Lace care is the most essential part of caring for full lace wigs. This is because the lace is the most valued feature of the full lace wig.

Therefore, you must be very careful while handling the lace. To do so, you must ensure that you do not exceed the hairline of the wig when applying lace glues and adhesives to install it.

Also, you must gently remove glue residue after each wear using rubbing alcohol or baby oil.

Brazilian Body Wave Full Lace Wig

Repair and Restoration of Lace Wigs

Even with proper care, mistakes happen, and you may find a tear or two in your wig or notice that it has lost its shine and looks less attractive than before.

Here's what you can do in different instances:

Reviving Dull Full Lace Wigs

If your full lace wig looks dull and greasy, it may result from a excessive build-up of product, sweat, and dirt. When this happens, what do you do?

First, wash and condition following the abovementioned process, then infuse your wig with a protein and keratin treatment.

You should hire a professional stylist to handle this process, but if you prefer to do so alone, you can ask for product recommendations.

Fixing Holes and Tears

If you notice a tiny tear in your full lace wig, do not panic. Put a black thread through a needle and make small stitches to close the tear. If it is farther away from the hairline, it will be easier to manage and cover.

For larger tears, it is best to discuss them with a seasoned stylist to preserve the quality of the hair and lace.

Brazilian Body Wave Full Lace Wig Cap

Do's and Don'ts of Full Lace Wigs

Sometimes, people unconsciously make mistakes that may affect the quality of their wigs or even damage them.

So, here are some do's and don'ts guide of full lace wigs:


Use the Right Products

Yes, human hair wigs require some products to get that shine, especially when you wear them often, but not all products are suitable for them.

So, you must ensure that the products you are using in your full lace wigs are specifically designed to enhance the texture of your human hair wig.

Some products may emphasize the curls of your kinky curly wigs, while others may be used to make your straight hair silkier.

Wash Your Wig Regularly

If you wear your full lace wigs daily, wash them regularly. This depends on how much you sweat, how active you are when you wear the wig, and how much product you use every time you wear it.

If the wig visibly appears dirty and greasy, then you most definitely have to wash it. If you need more time, you can decide based on the hair's smell and texture and the lace's appearance.

Protect Your Wig While Sleeping

The mistake most people make after installing their wigs is sleeping without securing them.

So, they wake up with the hair strands tangled and matted, making it difficult to comb and style the hair properly.

So, if you want to sleep with your full lace wig installed, wear a silk bonnet or tie your hair in a silk scarf. That way, you can unravel the hair in the morning and gently comb or brush it.

Brazilian Blonde Straight Full Lace Wig Cap


Brush Harshly

When you get a new full lace wig, it is expected to experience light weave shedding when combed, but if you brush too harshly, you may pull out some hair strands. Therefore, if this is a frequent occurrence, your wig may develop multiple bald spots.

So, you must be gentle when combing your full lace wigs because the hair can not grow back.

Expose Your Wig to Harsh Elements

Exposing human hair wigs to harsh elements like heavy rain, wind, snow, and direct sunlight is the quickest way to destroy their quality.

These elements strip the hair strands of moisture and luster and damage the wig.


For people with multiple wigs, it is pretty easy to neglect one, throw it to a corner, and forget it for months or until they have an event.

Refrain from neglecting your full lace wigs like that is a no-no.

Always endeavor to air out your wigs after a week or two when you are not using them; that way, they smell and look fresh.

Private Label Showroom Blonde Brown Wigs

Full Lace Wigs in a Good Condition

In conclusion, with the right information anyone can properly care for full lace wigs. However, it is important to buy quality and premium full lace wigs from trusted hair vendors like Private Label to ensure durability.

Check our Blonde Straight Full Lace Wigs for a wonderful example!

Even is because even with proper care, cheap or poor-quality hair will perform terribly.

So, while you invest your efforts in caring for your full lace wigs, make sure you get good-quality ones.

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1 comment

Taking care of full lace wigs seems like a meticulous process! What’s the best way to store a full lace wig if you don’t have the original box or silk bag it came in? Any alternative storage tips?


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